the world was sadden by the news of Heath Ledgers death. but i cant even begin what it would be like for his family; and you may find it hard to believe but i went to school with 2 of his sisters. Ashleigh & Olivia. Olivia is much younger so i don't have the privilege of knowing her; where as Ashleigh and I, we were in the same year and shared some classes together over the years. I was browsing her facebook and she had created a photo album entitled "Life" so i browsed through and found a picture of her getting a tattoo on her wrist which i thought was pretty awesome until i clicked next to view the next picture..

all smiles for ash!

yes; this tattoo is the same design heath had on his wrist.

Heath's bracelet-tattoo reading "KAOS", which stands for "his girls", sisters Kate, Ashleigh, Olivia, and mother Sally.
i just found that so incredibly beautiful that Ash got a tattoo of the same design in memory of her late brother. =)
May His Beautiful Soul Rest In Peace.