i reliazed in the beginning when i left i thought it would be the end of us. But we managed to come down the road a fair bit. You were there for me through some of my toughest times. And i took it for granted. Knowing that you would always be there after the storm. Then one day you werent. And the next one. And the one after that.
Its too late for anything to change. But hear this out. If it makes sense. Thanks to you, i feel like i was able to stand on my own two feet and not rely on someone being there all the time.. Because that was my problem. Dependency.
you've managed to teach me something even if you werent meant to. I feel like because of you. Ive managed to soilder on in life without dependency on other people but my own dependcy. I could never really wrap my head around it having you around. But your absence has left a very important lesson.
Times may have changed. And we've moved on.
But it doesnt mean ive stop caring. Because i stil care.
And i doubt that i ever will stop caring for you.
ill always be around no matter what; nothings gonna change that even if we arent friends.
Your text brought floods of memories. It even made me read all the old saved ones on my old phone.
But hopefully and maybe someday down the road, we could patch things up.
But for now, the memories will do.
Bottom line: i miss you.
More than you know.
Edit: ive read this a million times and im not sure wheter it makes sense? So sorry if it doesnt.