Sunday, November 29, 2009

weekend jam

we may not be the best of friends or the closet of close.
but i love the chats we have, we can talk about anything that is everything.
i love how we can relate to certain things and find the humor in any situation.
you are a awesome friend there is no doubt about that, and i love our conversations so very de much.

so much i had to blog about it.
but shout out to Inessa Ngu for being an awesome msn buddy.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

last night i went to a circus.

ive dreamt about this moment my whole life.
to see miss britney spears in concert, the obsession began when i was 8. 11 years down the track here i am, literally 2 people away from the pop queen herself. no words could describe how incredible it felt to have been so close to her and see her perform; perhaps not live but put on a show of incredible dance routines with HOT dancers. i had a wonderful experience none the less.

the morning after mixed reviews were released about the lip-syncing or the lack of big screens. but ya'll just hating cause ya'll had shithouse seats! but with regards to the lip-syncing what more do you expect from the pop queen? thats been britney since her first live performance.

i love you britney!

and thanks to genis and tom for the room and tickets!
ps: more pics on facebook.

Friday, November 6, 2009


that trailer scared the shit out of me, finally googled it and youtubed it
supposedly the world is to end on the 21st decemeber 2012 according to the Mayan calendar.
the comments beneath the video were very mixed opinions; some were acknowledging the possiblity of the world ending, some finding it a practical joke the directors of the movie pulled.

but tell me, what the fuck would you do if it were true?

the hype over it has left me skeptical. but to question a culture and its beliefs is something that will lead to things you wouldnt wanna find out perhaps speechless.

but who knows what happens in 3 yrs time? guess we'll see it when the time comes.

Thursday, November 5, 2009








Tuesday, November 3, 2009

bitch bank teller


Ladies and Gentlemen.
don't go to westpac on st georges terrace located in perth, fucking rude as customer service.
little blonde skank. go hump a whale.

anyways. funny how i seem to adress people as if anyone reads this piece of shit blog.
besides you tiara.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


i reliazed in the beginning when i left i thought it would be the end of us. But we managed to come down the road a fair bit. You were there for me through some of my toughest times. And i took it for granted. Knowing that you would always be there after the storm. Then one day you werent. And the next one. And the one after that.

Its too late for anything to change. But hear this out. If it makes sense. Thanks to you, i feel like i was able to stand on my own two feet and not rely on someone being there all the time.. Because that was my problem. Dependency.

you've managed to teach me something even if you werent meant to. I feel like because of you. Ive managed to soilder on in life without dependency on other people but my own dependcy. I could never really wrap my head around it having you around. But your absence has left a very important lesson.

Times may have changed. And we've moved on.

But it doesnt mean ive stop caring. Because i stil care.
And i doubt that i ever will stop caring for you.
ill always be around no matter what; nothings gonna change that even if we arent friends.

Your text brought floods of memories. It even made me read all the old saved ones on my old phone.
But hopefully and maybe someday down the road, we could patch things up.
But for now, the memories will do.

Bottom line: i miss you.
More than you know.

Edit: ive read this a million times and im not sure wheter it makes sense? So sorry if it doesnt.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

hahahaha, funny as conincidence.
my ringtone, Cobra Starships - Good Girls Go Bad.
and what phone is in the video? the black nokia n97 = MY PHONE!

that made my day.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

McHappy Day 09'

so this time round, i aint the clown! but i am instead the McHappy Day Event Co-Ordinator.
so, besides missing the deadline (sick leave) for ordering the goods eg; balloons, streamers, hand clappers, t shirts and hats for the crew but im stumped as of how imma transform our store into a kid friendly fundraiser; being located in the ctiy's CBD and with the amount of trouble we recieve there are limits to my ideas/plans.

Perhaps if we were a freestanding store that might be alot easier to plan,then to be a walk in store. But this is a challenge that ive taken on board and something that im confident will be a good event.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

"glee is a punch in the stomach to highschool musical"

It's been a weird last half of the decade, though maybe "weird" doesn't cover it awful and dark and mean and petty would be better, probably. And yet most of our popular art has not really dealt with modern culture in any significant way over the past five years. This was not the case of the first half of the decade, when popular culture, and particularly music, seemed caught up in an eternal present tense. The iconic pop of that period, along with major TV shows like Sex and the City and The Sopranos, relentlessly engaged with the now. The moment might have been creatd by a SATC episode or a Destiny's Child video, commented on by Britney or David Chase, and pushed forward by Justin Timberlake or Survivor.

And so it's nice that we've had such a clear historic and chronological break here. The election of Obama and the economic crisis, which are essentially simultaneous in the longview, make it very hard to continue as we were before. So much of the culture of the 00s was and is tied up with the particular kind of economic prosperity that we can now mark as part of the past, and while the destruction of that culture does not negate the good things that came out of it, such desctruction does make it very hard for pop creators to regard it as normal. Almost every single significant piece of pop culture from the previous part of this decade would, if it were created today, either look very different or much less relevent. Almost everyone on television was affluent--not even middle class, but affluent--and the shiny bliss that 00s pop does so well reeks, as it was intended to do, of money money money. While there are undeniably artistic creations that were forward-looking enough to see this coming, it's likely that there's a slow but major change coming, and it would be really great if we could finish off the decade with a little bit of forward-looking pop.

Which is why I liked the first episode of Glee so much: it is the first TV series that's about this decade rather than a part of this decade. How the rest of the series will go remains to be seen, but for now it has definitively staked out its position on the 00s truth and reconciliation committee. For one thing, it's the first show I can think of to draw from a form firmly situated in the current decade, rather than drawing from 80s and 90s forms as even the best current series do (with, again, the exception of brand new things). Bring It On came out in 2000, and the show is clearly working in the tradition of that movie (and maybe 1999's Election as well), a form old enough now that the Wayans brothers have gotten around to parodying it. The genre is obviously indebted to some old forms (sports movies, 80s b-movie ensemble comedies) but makes something new by taking a minor thing and portraying it in precisely the terms its most dedicated participants see it in. This shit was serious, and because image was serious to the participants, the movies took image seriously, too. This did all sorts of good things for a visual form that ultimately requires you to believe things that aren't true anyway, and Glee plays that forward.

The characters, too, are products of the decade. Rachel, the main female singer, is essentially a fameball, which is not something we're used to seeing. Usually, the pretty girl who wants to be famous is either hilariously untalented or actually destined for stardom. But Rachel doesn't seem to be either. She's good at singing, but not great, and her personality is too self-conscious to take her to easy success. She's a scrabbler and a striver, ambitious for the sake of being ambitious, trying and trying without really having a project to tie it to. She uses modern technology just because it seems to be what the kids to or as a way of furthering the plot, but as an integral part of her personality: she puts herself out to the world beyond her peer group through digital media as a way of seizing success. Mercedes, meanwhile (who I hope gets developed more!), is the daughter of ANTM, embracing that weird Beyonce feminism that I guess is what Girl Power turned into. And, of course, the girlfriend of Finn, the main male singer, is the head of the celebacy club, and as such the representative of cultural conservativism, another high point of the decade. She's an obvious one, but Rachel and Mercedes strike me as believable characters that I know lots of in real life but would not expect to see on TV, and kudos to the show's creators for catching that.

But this isn't just Bring It On: The Series. A key moment in the pilot is where Finn confronts his fellow football players and gives a great little speech which starts like this: "We're all losers. Everyone in this school. Hell, everyone in this town. Out of all the kids that graduate from this school, maybe half will graduate college and two will leave the state to do it." This is true, but it would have been unthinkable to express such a thing earlier in the decade. It would have violated the ethos of total committment that dominated the 00's--one which produced some great results for pop, if not so much for government. While the glee club is maybe just another competitive activity, the show is clear that it's a pretty stupid one, and all the characters except Rachel seem to know that. They do it, then, because they like it, because they get something out of it. It's smaller than cheerleading but bigger than just being a quiet nerd trying not to be noticed. I like that, even without the football player, the characters aren't just a clique to themselves, but are individuals from different circumstances doing something for the pleasure of it. What the show endorses, then, is not victory or social stasis but mastery. When Mr. Schuester takes over, his goal is for the club to win a championship, but that motivation on its own fails to sustain the club's momentum. What propels them to some kind of unitity is, rather, a committment to excellence, to artistic acheivement beyond the validation of others but simply to know for yourself that you and others have done something good, and the moment at the end of the episode captures precisely that. And it captures, moreover, joy, the other thing Mr. Schuester says he was interested in. While that emotion was certainly conjured by many of this decade's best pop products, it's hard to say it was a concern of them. Success always seemed to matter more than happiness. Glee seems interested in asking what it would be like if that evaluation was reversed.

Then, of course, there is "Don't Stop Believin'," (this song has been stuck in my head for ages) the song that the group sings at the end. My thoughts went not to the finale of the Sopranos, which also ended with that song, but to the pilot of Freaks and Geeks, which ended with "Come Sail Away" by Styx. The final moment of The Sopranos struck me as being essentially the same as the final moment of Seinfeld, and its use of the Journey song had less to do with pop music than with TV and with audience expectations, a sort of forced "let's go out on a high note!" kind of thing. But in Freaks and Geeks, it was all about the song and its resonance to the particular characters. That's sort of the mirror image of what's happening in Glee. Here, Journey is being celebrated for its universal appeal, for the freakish and essentially inexplicable ability of that song to appeal to everyone everywhere at least a little bit, and the metaphor being drawn is not the any of the characters' situations but to the enterprise on which they have mutually embarked. The experience of pop is an unavoidably collective one, made eternally in the context of others, and while that opens up all kinds of great possibilities, it also means you have to go wherever pop goes, and you might not always like it. When you find yourself in that situation, the trick may be to find that one sweet spot, the thing that everyone can agree on that turns the momentum back toward you, tacking the ship gradually back to the course you would prefer. Glee is most certainly a part of that effort, and I am excited to see where it goes.


Monday, September 14, 2009

chemistry 101

I don’t believe “clicking” with someone is enough for a relationship to work.
I’m sure everyone’s experienced the “click” factor at least once in their lives: you meet, you find you can talk about anything with each other, you laugh at the same jokes, you love the same music, you both thought Twilight was a terrible film etc. But I noticed that there is this prevalent naïve assumption that if you “click”, the relationship will simply work itself out. As if everything will just fall into place because you “click”. Reality check – when you’re trying to share a life with another human being, things will get ugly. And just because you both share a secret love of rockin’ out to Michael Jackson, does not mean that you will naturally share the same values on how to accommodate each other in a relationship.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

my week.

monday - work
tues - off
weds - work
thurs- work
fri - off
sat - work 6 fucking am start.
sun - work 6 am.

the early mornings remind me of the school days.
next week? i do it all over again.
thats what you get for being full time. fuck sakes.
im tired as it is and its only a fucking sunday.
fuck you!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Saturday, September 5, 2009

fucked up racial slurs

fuck off back to my own fucking country aye?
"does anyone here know how to speak english and not this ching chong crap?"

im so sick of work and the rude ass customers we get, saturdays suck.

ps: sorry bubs. love you. <3

Thursday, September 3, 2009

one step closer

76th off broadway Central Park.

the dream is still very alive and at this point nothing in this world is gonna stop me from getting to where i wanna go even if it is a million miles away from home.


Monday, August 31, 2009

First Class Ticket To A Night All Alone

so turns out the cough, wasnt exactly a cough. it became alot harder to breathe and speak without breaking into major coughing fits that caused me to choke. so after work decided to go to a walk in clinic, and see wtf is happening with me. after 1 1/2 hours of waiting, i finally get in, after scans and a couple breathing tests, he diagnoses me, with primary sinusl infection and a secondary lung infection. which means, because of the sinus producing mucus and nowhere to escape, due to the coughing and the sniffing its causing the mucus to be pushed down into my lungs which creates a blockage, causing me to have trouble breathing and the build up is causing irritation to my lungs causing the major coughings fits.
i gotta tell you, being sick is pretty awesome. NOT
i have had so many sleepless nights, coughing fits causing not only chest pains but head pains. so now? dr’s given me a heap of drugs for the next week and hopefully this shit will pass

Thursday, August 20, 2009

thought about you yesterday.
thought about we were at this point in time,
i admit i miss you, but its very obvious that you've made up you're mind on where you stand
and in all honesty, you're right and i was wrong, and im fine with the decision you've made,

shit happens.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Fang Banger.

i managed to escape work for the last few days, tommorow being the last day off.
why you ask? by getting a temperature of 40 on sunday night and being rushed to the ER with swine flu related symptoms. but its all good. i got the all clear from the dr,

anyways, latest obsession = True Blood.
yes its just vampire porn but ive managed to proceed to season 2 of the show and its getting interesting, specially with hot characters, like Eric who is Sherrif of County No.5 probably one of the hottest vampires besides the Cullen clan.

Or Jason Stackhouse, (Sookies Brother) now he's an australian and ive watched him on Home And Away growing up, hes alright looking, but lets just say the focus is more on the number of time he gets shirtless in each episode.

so yes, im rather into this whole vampire thing, its distracts me while anticipating the sequels of New Moon

Sunday, August 9, 2009

an apple a day keeps the doctor away.

not only have i eaten apples, ive eaten a hell lotta oranges and so much more. so tell me why,
a week after recovering from the fucking flu bug given to me by the lovely people at work, am i sick again?
damn australia and the rising number of swine flu cases and also them ma'fuckers that cough or sneeze without covering their fucking bitch ass of a mouth.

beyond frustrated at the moment. oh yeah, anyone wanna do the my 3-11 shift tommorow arvo?

Monday, July 27, 2009


YuRiZ_JoE says:
nuke'in sum mo
so u ready to cook up sum tiramisu?
Lyrical Lies says:
hahah should be
YuRiZ_JoE says:
i ain't kiddin homie!
u best be
don be givin me no 'anon' promise
maffaker said "yea man i'll cook u char kuey"
and that was like 9 years ago
still haven't gotten my char kuey
Lyrical Lies says:

my brother and his dumb stories.
cant wait to see you!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

true blood

so TrueBlood came out on dvd today, decided to buy it cause its the latest rave or something.
its 2:30am, just finished the first disc and all i gotta fucking say, is this some fucked up shit.
its like the porno of twilight, some real fucked up shit.

edit: currently 7:42am i have not slept since weds night and im not feeling the slightest bit tired.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

rebelious liasons

i will rise from the ashes
dont call me pretentious
im sitting here making my own rules
and if i fall from the ceiling
you'll be down there waiting to finish me

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


dont wanna try
dont wanna try
dont wanna try no more.

Friday, July 17, 2009

eggtarts anyone?

was chatting to nadia last night, something i havent done in awhile, also first time we had a webcam sesh. wouldve filmed earlier but my phone was charging, anyways its been aggeeeeeeeeees since we talked felt good to reconnect.

love and miss you lots egg-tarts!
see you in nz!

couldnt find a decent pic of us, this will do.

yeah i was listening to trance, dont ask.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

feelings show.

i have no clue as to whether anyone still reads my blog; or if you read it.
but heres my shot in the dark; this is probably my last resort in hopes of not getting rejected via, text, via msn and hell i cant do it in person cause we're miles away.

its been 3 months since i last spoke to you(yes i kept count); and that's my fault i know we didn't exactly leave things on good terms. ive typed up numerous text messages only to delete them, i wanna IM you whenever your online but i hesitate and ignore the fact your online. its all due to one simple reason, fear of rejection. a fear that this could actually be the end of this friendship and if it were one can only blame herself.

i do just wanna say, im sorry for whats happened in the recent months and i apologize for the pain Ive inflicted on you emotionally, i always took my emotions out on you, i take you for granted and all you've ever done was be there for me, how could i do that to my own best friend?

with this blog entry, i have no anticipations whatsoever, you can continue to ignore me, you can continue to be mad at me. i just want you to know that

im sorry i am. and
i miss and love you alot.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Sunday, July 12, 2009

the land below...whaa?

i miss KK
i miss the people in KK.
i wanna go home.

let me go home; even if it was for a day.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


wtf cant i sleep?
its one of those nights isnt it?
fuck up.
thank god im not working.
screw the human body and how it works.


how aboutttttttttttttt... i dont sleep?
we'll see how long that lasts for.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

weapon of choice.

this is the best group of people i could have ever come to know and love (except sarah, sorry you're just a plain nastay bitch)
imma miss us panicking before a prac test
imma miss everyone calling one another to find out wheter somethings due for the next lecture the next day.
imma miss everyday we spent together.

Certificate III Commercial Cookery Group 4.
we made it
love you all.

Monday, June 29, 2009


there is so much technology out there, so much money spent on that technology, but tell me; do you have the heart to spend that much money on helping someone other then yourself?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

2009 = awesome

Britney, Beyonce, Ne-Yo.
3 amazing artists.
but what do they have in common this yr?


lifes beyond amazing right now.

Monday, June 15, 2009

rebel against yourself

im sick of being so caring towards people and their problems
cause wtf are they when i got my own fucking problems eh?
cant be seen within 5 fucking metres.
so this is me saying; im not gonna give a fuck anymore.
school issues? thats nice.
uni streess? smoke some weed you uptight bitch.
work? quit your fucking job you hate it anyways
life? get the fuck over it we've all got fucking problems.

i really dont give a fuck anymore.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

if you seek amy


its been an ultimate dream since i was 8 to go to her concert, 11 yrs later here i am going to see her!!! OMFG!!!!!



Tuesday, June 2, 2009

t minus 700 hours.

now - 1:18am
finished class - 8:30pm
reached home - 9:30pm
began work - 9:55pm
still doing work - 1:20am
tommorows lectures - 8am + 12pm - 12:30 + 4:30pm
assignment deadline - 10am

it isnt til about 12 something i realize i have a major flaw in my assignment and really cant find any resolution to rectify it because ive worked so hard on making it good, being it something in conjunction with advertising, and this assignment is 80% of my unit.
so screw this brain of mine for its lack of attention to detail in preferred cases.
i dont mind pulling an all nighter, its just my constant lack of attention towards the assignment in general, being there so many distractions within reach. anyways; off to work i go.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

hoedown throwdown

Boom clap, boom de clap de clap
Boom boom clap, boom de clap de clap
Boom boom clap, boom de clap de clap
Boom boom clap, boom de clap de clap
Try it with me, here we go

Boom boom clap, boom de clap de clap
(Whoa oh oh)
(That's right!)
Boom boom clap, boom de clap de clap
(Whoa oh oh)
Boom boom clap, boom de clap de clap
Boom boom clap, boom de clap de clap

1, 2, 3!
Everybody come on, off your seats
I'm gonna tell you about a beat
That's gonna make you move your feet

I'll give the BBQ
Show and tell you how to move
If you're 5 or 82
This is something you can do

Pop it, lock it, polka dot it
Country fivin', hip hop hip
Put your arms in the sky, move side to side
Jump to the left, stick it, glide

Zig zag 'cross the floor
Shuffle in diagonal
When the drum hits hands on your hips
One-footed 180 twist

And then a zig zag, step, slide
Lean in left, clap three times
Shake it out, head to toe
Throw it all together, that's how we roll

Do the hoedown
Do the hoedown
Do the hoedown
Throw it all together, that's how we roll

We get to four, five, six
And you're feelin' busted
But it's not time to quit
Practice makes you perfect

Pop it, lock it, polka dot it
Country fivin', hip hop hip
Put your arms in the sky, move side to side
Jump to the left, stick it, glide

Zig zag 'cross the floor
Shuffle in diagonal
When the drum hits hands on your hips
One-footed 180 twist

And then a zig zag, step, slide
Lean in left, clap three times
Shake it out, head to toe
Throw it all together, that's how we roll

Do the hoedown
Do the hoedown
Do the hoedown
Throw it all together, that's how we roll

Boom de clap de clap, boom boom clap
Come on, here we go!
Boom boom clap, boom de clap de clap
Boom boom clap, boom de clap

Pop it, lock it, polka dot it
Country fivin', hip hop hip
Put your arms in the sky, move side to side
Jump to the left, stick it, glide

Zig zag 'cross the floor
Shuffle in diagonal
When the drum hits hands on your hips
One-footed 180 twist

And then a zig zag, step, slide
Lean in left, clap three times
Shake it out, head to toe
Throw it all together, that's how we roll

Do the hoedown
Do the hoedown
Do the hoedown
Throw it all together, that's how we roll

ps: sorry sarah, i know im a disgrace for listening to hannah montana/miley cyrus

Saturday, May 30, 2009

the big apple.

one day.
ill be there.
one day.

Friday, May 29, 2009

3 weeks.

3 weeks of TAFE left.
i got 3 major units to pass or else another re-enrollment.
attendance is almost perfect, minus the days i couldnt be fucked going and skipped, but thats something anyone would do.

Small Scale:
Plan Menu & Catering Based Productions - 100%
Promote Products & Services - ....?
Deal With Conflict In Workplaces - ....?
Coach Others In Job Skills & Practices - 96%
Large Scale:
Serve & Prepare Specialist Food Items (Repeat) - ....?
Implement Food Safety Practices & Procedures - 97%
Cut, Serve & Preserve Cheese - 80%
Plan & Cater Buffets & Banquets- 98%

ive never had sucha drive to do something so well, and this is work we're talking about. how often do you see elayne rahman enjoying work? specially considering its theory work.

after TAFE? maybe another qualification? im not sure the decision is still pending; torn between 2 extremly interesting courses.

Pastry vs Hospitality Management.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


education or experience?
study or work?
decisions suck; especially when you want both things without an ultimatum.

Monday, May 18, 2009

no superhero can save the day

and i doubt that i will ever find out if theres a way to get out of feeling all alone
cause lately ive been thinking that maybe no ones gonna save me.

Friday, May 15, 2009


you've made me feel like a useless piece of crap for the last week because of that one message. yeah i brushed it off saying nobody fucking asked you to do it, but looking into it,that fucking hurt, to know that you spent "freaking rm120 messaging you" oh my bad. sorry for being so fucking far away.

i dont want an apology.
i dont want an explanation.
just take what i have to say in and let it go, thought you should knwo how i felt becuase this is not and i repeat not gonna ruin my fucking weekend.

well louise's attendance already has; but thats inevitable.

Monday, May 4, 2009

thank you.

this is most probably the best birthday present ever.
felt good to catch up and reminisce, it really did.
your always bringing a smile to my face.
your timing is amazing.

thank you.
i miss you beyond words can describe.

Monday, April 27, 2009

communication barriers

its getting pretty tiring and lonely of having to try to talk to youse.
the fact i love you guys so much is probably the reason why i havent given up.
but you have no idea how much i miss you,
and our schedules never coincicde and it makes talking to you so hard.
communicating has never sucked so much.

so many things i havent told you all yet,
things that i may never get around to telling you. not at this rate anyways,

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Monday, March 30, 2009

keep your sadness alive

Take a look around
Don't you see it
See that you are the only real face in the room
No one here has a clue what your feelin'
Don't feel badKeep your sadness alive
Look at all these happy people
Living their lives
Look at all these plastic people
There's nothing inside
Look at all these shallow people
Telling their lies
Look at all these empty people, people
Don’t you know
That misery loves company
Yeah I heard
That misery was looking for me
Happiness, is a face that don't look good on me
Yeah I heard
That misery comes looking for me
Whoa, misery's my company
Whoa, misery is looking for me
Looking for me

Friday, March 27, 2009


so, the fact that ive become addicted to smallville all over again has become the inspiration behind this blog.. now as we all know, smallville portrays the story of the young superman and his journey to discover his destiny. Along the way, Clark Kent falls for the girl next door Lana Lang, towards the end of season 2, they are finally given a chance to be together but Clark's secret powers got in the way and has forced him to push Lana away and it makes you question

If someone loves you that much, why can't they be completely and utterly honest with you? (yeah i know what you're all thinking, "but elayne its just a tv show, wtf are you rambling about") thats where your wrong, it just maybe a tv show, but it makes you wonder do you have someone in your life who hasnt been completely honest with you? do they have their own secrets they refuse to share with you in order to protect you? would that ever be ok?
it just makes me question, who can be completely and utterly honest with you, we all tell white lies now and then but its human nature. but to be completely honest, is something that not many are able to do, and its strange that they cant seem to find the comfort in a loved one to be honest with.
Love has a funny way of working its way into our lives, but when it does finally become apart of us, its something we cant control, its somewhat becomes a instinct to us, and theres not much to do but act upon it.
yeah ok, so i realize i maybe reading into the lovestory with Clark & Lana a little bit too deep, but think about it, if you had a secret would you not tell your significant other in order to protect them? or would you tell them, risking it all?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Thursday, March 12, 2009

my niece mj!

my bro sent me a video of his litttle girl.. ok so shes not that little. but still!
my niece Marion-Joan Yusri.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

my minds unweaving

the walls start breathing, my minds unweaving
maybe its best you leave me alone
its better that i see it through your eyes
all these thoughts locked inside
now you're the first to know.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

how could you?

words cant describe how i feel.
emotions cant sum it up.
lyrics cant define the situation.
so tell me what is this?
this all falls onto you.
you only.

Monday, February 9, 2009

nothing else to say, eyy eyy.

im getting sick of missing you, because from what i can tell you probably dont feel the same or how would i know? you rarely tell me. only ever when you epiphanys or someshit do i realize what role i have in your life.
it drives me insane, to always be so emo about not having you around, or not being able to talk to you as much, specially lately cause i know whats going on with you...but you know what maybe i shouldnt be so emo about someone who doesnt seem to really care to make the effort that much anymore, yeah you've moved on with your life and like i did with mine. but there are still times when i still fucking need you. even if its just to talk for a bit wheter its about me or you. but when i tend to call i get no answer and i get tired of trying. i really do.

somebody asked me the other night who is my best friend in the whole wide world? and you know what i said? i said you. because i honestly think you are; but soon after saying that i told that person that i know i wouldnt be yours.

my semesters started, works becoming alot to handle; so i guess these distractions are just coming in the nick of time.

i have so much to tell you, i honestly do. but when will i get to?
im not even sure wheter you will read this, but hey thats the way it goes nowadays.

Monday, February 2, 2009

the devil wears prada.

distance has finally taken its toll on me.
its time to get rid of this emotional baggage.
im over it.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

urban dictionary

so my mate, sheng showed me this website which is pretty random. he asked me to look up the meaning of a word and he had a wholeeeeeeeeee story to go with it, so yeah anyways in the process of exploring this website decided to see what the urban dictionary makes of my friends names.. so i started off with fay; then i did emily. to which the search ended because i ended up in laughing fits at the meanings.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

new love.

so its summer down here in good australia and its tennis season, since i got back its been tennis games broadcasted all across the tv sets and i cant help but watch, specially with players such as the william sisters, sharapova, dementieva, djokovic, fedderer, roddick and my one and ultimate favourite atm: Jo Wilfried Tsonga ( i have a sudden attraction for him, i think its cause his hair is shorter)

now, its probably the weather and the fact that ive been watching alota tennis that made me get out there and hit a couple balls around, i have to admit tennis is pretty awesome, cant really remember why i stopped playing in the first place; anyways for this year me and louise have made a list of what we wanna do this year and with that said sports was one of them, so we have been heading down to rec centres and playing sports and all our mates are getting in on it, its some awesome fun.


Monday, January 26, 2009

ive been tagged.

Remove 1 question from below and add in a personal question, make it a total of 20 questions. Then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.

1. If you could spend one Ringgit in 5 minutes, what would you spend on? - cheap kedai runcit candy.
2. What is your most favourite thing to do? - listen to music and lose myself in thought or jump around and make a dick outta myself.. either one.
3. What kind of news do you read? - hate whatever comes out in the west australian or sunday times, so i prefer just watching the news.. CNN or BBC etc.
4. What would u do if u were to die tomorrow? - i would do the most incredibly stupidest things ever.
5. Is there someone in your heart right now?- yeah but why would i wanna share it on my blog?
6. Do you believe you can survive without money?- Fuck no.
7. What are you afraid to lose the most? -
8. What do you feel like doing right now?- the tour de france.
9. If there’s someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?- Yes definitely.
10. List 5 things that u like in a guy/girl.- honesty, humor, consideration, understanding, optimism.
11. What are the requirements that you do not wish for from your other half?- them to be some hooker on the streets.
12. What do you think is your purpose in life?- to be the fat ass i was born to be.
13. Do you feel like killing someone at the moment?- ngehhhh
14. If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?- doughnuts or double beef and cheese burgers.
15. If you had a choice to be rich or happy, which one would you pick?- Happyyyy.
16. If you have a chance, which part of your character would you like to change
17. Who is the person that you can share all your problems with?- this stupid shit back in kk anddddd my brother...
18. What is the one thing you love about yourself- my looks. AHHAHAHAHAH. i kid, ummm, my ability to make people laugh.
19. What is bothering you right now?- my indecisiveness to choose what song i wanna listen to next.
20. What is the first characteristic in a person that you look for when you meet for the first time? - ummm..sexual attraction.. AHHAHAHAH. no.. i dunno. fuck.
this is a tagged is full of weird questions. =P

anyways i dunno wheter anyone still bothers to read my blog.
so i will just tage whoever reads this, excluding alex and emily coz they done it already. =P

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

the great pretender.

im sick of always pretending like im fine.
im sick of always pretending like it doesnt bother me.
im sick of always pretending like it doesnt matter.

im not fine.
it does bother me.
and it fucking matters!

Saturday, January 10, 2009


its about 4am atm just got home from this club in sunway Euphoria by MOS (ministry of sound) and like i have to admit, MOS is just not my scene, i mean its awesome shit to listen to when you just wanna chill out or something but when your at this club and its blasting so freaking loud that you cant even hear yourself think, it just doesnt work for me anyways. i love how Euphoria has hot men everywhere; but the music and the dancefloor not so much.

i swear 60% of the people in there do not know how to dance, there were like shufflers, c-walkers, girls just humping air. it was HORRIBLE. i know not everyone has mad dancing skills like chris brown or ciara but still prevent us the eyesore. its entertaining as hell to watch; but after awhile you're just thinking "wtf are they doing?!" there was this one guy standing at the stairs of the dance floor, it seemed like he was riding a horse, kept jumping up and down and his hands are as if he slapping a horse.. why would you dance like that to MOS?! pretty sure, emily could dance better than any of those people just now.

anyways; my last day in malaysia today. how im going to miss it. just as im getting used to having everyone around, getting used to the lifestyle, getting used to them shitty drivers! im leaving it all behind for another year. time currently 4:17am, and im heading to bed.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

oh nine.

a week into the new year, and i decide to update.
so i came, i saw and i conquered kk, was a pretty short trip; but what can i do i gots to work. so ive noticed alota people making a big deal out of this resolution thing. i myself have actually never done one, cause im the type to just go with the flow of life. but i mean, its a new year and theres always a first to everything; so here it goes, my first attempt at doing a resolution.

1. LOSE SOME GOD DAMN WEIGHT. (oh so very much needed of myself)
3. stop being sucha emo cunt.

so come to think of it, i can only come up with 3. sure theres some others but they dont come to mind just yet. but these are the top 3 things imma focus on this year, hopefully ill actually work towards it. so 2008 was a good year, cant say it was a great one; hopefully 2009 will be slightly better, just wanna give a shoutout to those who have made the last year bearable; no names mentioned ya'll should know who you are.

so the kk trip was aigt, couldve been better but what can ya do? =) just as im getting used to having emily around (as much of a shit she is) im jetting off home in about 4 days; so thats a downer. it felt good to be home even if it was shortlived, the food, the atmosphere, the people, the simple life that everyone leads; no strings attached. i love it and i miss it. its one thing that i love about malaysia. currently in kl; spend some quality time with my brother even if it the trips just a week long; its the time spent together that counts. yeah not sure where all this stuff im saying is coming from; im just as surprised as you guys reading it are to find that i have alot to say..i guess my babblings gotta come to an end sooner or later.

hope 09' is ready for us fuckheads. <333