why you ask? by getting a temperature of 40 on sunday night and being rushed to the ER with swine flu related symptoms. but its all good. i got the all clear from the dr,
anyways, latest obsession = True Blood.
yes its just vampire porn but ive managed to proceed to season 2 of the show and its getting interesting, specially with hot characters, like Eric who is Sherrif of County No.5 probably one of the hottest vampires besides the Cullen clan.
Or Jason Stackhouse, (Sookies Brother) now he's an australian and ive watched him on Home And Away growing up, hes alright looking, but lets just say the focus is more on the number of time he gets shirtless in each episode.

so yes, im rather into this whole vampire thing, its distracts me while anticipating the sequels of New Moon
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